Wednesday 10 February 2010

Thoughts on the Robin Hood Tax: The Defining Issue of Our Times

Banks will never develop a social conscience: they are amoral corporate machines honed solely to maximise profits at any and all costs. To do this, they tap the synergy of the many talented people they employ, but negate any normal human decency (whether its source be internal or external) that might detract from profiteering.

Any charitable or philanthropic activity from a corporation is solely an exercise in public relations or human resources management (i.e. assuaging the consciences of the workforce). The only way to make these machines work for – rather than continue to harm – the wider good is to legislate – and reining in these juggernauts before they bend our lives and world (even more) painfully out-of-shape is the defining issue of our times.

The Robin Hood Tax movement is exactly the kind of marketing-savvy counterattack we need, when the corporate leviathan has the majority of people hamstrung with overwork and opiated by The X Factor, its tendrils dangling our elected representatives like puppets. Godspeed!

The Robin Hood Tax: Link

Facebook Page: Link

Guardian article: Link